Essential Guide to Effective Real Estate Email Marketing
Courtesy by: Kat Sarmiento
According to Statista (2021), 4.03 billion people all over the world are using email. This number is expected to grow as high as 4.48 billion by the year 2024. Currently, there is no platform that comes close to this much reach. Facebook only accounts for 2.2. billion monthly active users and even if you include Instagram users with a little over a billion, it still would not be enough to substantiate the wide reach email has. Additionally, with a 90.3% penetration rate among United States internet users, this makes email be a foolproof platform for any marketing endeavour — especially in the stiff and competitive industry of real estate, where there are more than 2 million active real estate license holders, an agent must have not only the gift of jab but also the right approach and platform to cherrypick potential leads, grow their network and turn an inquiry to a sale. Email marketing is the most appropriate tool for real estate agents who want to engage with their audience and as you know, high engagement can lead to many referrals.

What is in real estate email marketing for me as an agent?
Saves you time and money.
After crafting a readable, error-free, and cohesive outreach email for your campaign, you can automatically have it sent out to everyone from your contact list.
Builds your own brand and reputation.
Whether you are an independent real estate agent or under your agency’s brand, you can build your credibility and include it in your email marketing campaigns. Creating relevant content can also widen your reach, grow your audience and help you stand out from the real estate community.
Provides you with a platform for engagement.
As a real estate agent, your main objective is to create an exclusive, genuine, and sincere rapport and engagement with your prospective and current clients. Email marketing especially targeted email blasting, can help you build and maintain relationships with them.
Generates more income for you.
With having access to your clients, you can directly and informally communicate with them, this equips with you a platform from which you can learn their behaviour and needs. From considering this dataset, you will be able to properly negotiate and eventually turn leads into big sales.
How do I do it?
Choose your email marketing software.
Of course, this should be different from your personal email account. Yahoo and Gmail accounts are only limited to sending a few emails per day and if you want a wider reach, you must invest in a more sophisticated and professional email domain.
Create an outreach email.
Tailor an outreach email that is warm to the eyes. It must be straightforward, written in a friendly and conversational manner, short and concise. Run your outreach email on a grammar checker like Grammarly to avoid any grammatical or spelling errors. Your outreach email needs to be complete as well so ensure that all your working contact information is provided there. Do not forget to include a note at the end of your email saying that if they wish to be excluded from your email list, just reply to your email so you can avoid getting spammed or blocked.
Come up with a smart email subject.
Subject lines are crucial as they can usually make or break your open rates. You want your email to be read not to be deleted straight from the inbox lineup. Personalize your subject lines and play with the upper and lower cases of your text. Your subject line should stand out from the pool of other messages on the receiver’s end.
Incorporate a graphic design.
If you would like to run an extra mile, make use of a graphic design. These templates are attractive to the eyes and would keep your readers’ eyes glued to their screens. However, take note that some designs may require mobile optimization just so that when your clients viewed your email with the design, they do not have to scroll through and pan the screen. It should still facilitate easy reading.
Respond lively and enthusiastically.
And professionally. As soon as your receive your prospective or current clients’ replies, craft a reply that can foster a warm exchange. Preparing a lineup of crafted responses can help save you time and effort so you only send the same, however appearing unique, reply for messages with the same or nearly the same context. Be mindful of your capitalization and spelling. You can still personalize each crafted response by changing the name of the receiver in the opening salutation or adding a hanging personal question just before the closing salutation.
Follow-ups are important.
Many email marketers tend to neglect this aspect of the strategy. Follow-ups provide your clients with another chance to reconsider your offer. They need another chance to read your email because what if they were just plain busy during the first time? Think of follow-ups as a reminder for them.
Schedule regular emails.
Email marketing is about commitment and making frequent emails to them can let them know you are still in business and will always be ready for your clients already are. You can start by reaching out to them at least once a month and then increase the frequency as you get more comfortable and have more content to share.
Prepare read-worthy content.
Email marketing is not just about selling, it is also about educating them which can subtly and indirectly market your brand. Always allow room for novelty, you cannot always offer them as they might get annoyed so alternately, you can provide them literature that can give them a break from your outreach emails. These articles can be a local neighbourhood guide, places to visit within the area, some real estate market tips, managing finances and mortgages, success stories of your clients after a concluded business with you, or even the simplest list of open houses or announcements you might have. You want your online audience to be interested and get hooked.
Real estate email marketing can be fun and enjoyable. Compared to other sectors or industries, in which you are unsure whether or not your emails are read by potential clients, real estate prospective buyers and your market are always on their emails looking for updates and new opportunities which makes your presence high likely to be noticed. Email marketing is a reliable way to hit your sales target. By carefully selecting the right real estate marketing tools, strategic planning, techniques, and effort, you will definitely go a long way and fill your pockets.